When I assumed the role of CEO at ScribeConcepts, I took on the responsibility of leading a company with a rich legacy in K–12 educational publishing. For more than 20 years, our mission has been to create thoughtful, inclusive, and age-appropriate learning materials that support educators and inspire students worldwide. ScribeConcepts has grown thanks to our incredible team—talented, diverse, and committed individuals who share our vision and values.
One of my goals for ScribeConcepts is to explore new horizons in publishing that align with our mission and expand our focus. This year, we’re closely watching the upcoming election and its impact on education. When either candidate arrives at the White House, K–12 education will face an era of transformation driven by shifting priorities, funding allocations, and the evolving standards and values held by communities. As a company, we must stay proactive and anticipate how these changes might affect our industry.
At our recent Leadership Summit, I met with our newly formed ScribeConcepts Steering Committee (SCSC)—a group of passionate leaders who understand the complexities of K–12 education today. As a team, we discussed strategies for navigating the uncertain landscape ahead, including potential funding fluctuations and shifts in educational policy. This kind of purposeful dialogue empowers ScribeConcepts to make decisions with foresight and with a diverse range of voices guiding our path forward.

I encourage everyone reading this to a) thank a teacher, b) stay informed, and c) participate in this election if you are eligible. Decisions made today will shape the future of education and, ultimately, the lives of students across the country. Voting is one of the most potent ways to influence our future.
This is my vision for ScribeConcepts: to remain an active, forward-thinking leader in educational publishing, guided by our values, our team’s insights, and our unwavering dedication to educators and students alike. As we continue this journey, we stand ready to adapt and grow, no matter where the road ahead takes us.