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Consultant Connection Newsletter Issue No. 4


Posted: September 5, 2024


A Message From Our CEO:

One of the policies I am adamant about is what I call “life/work balance.” Life comes before work, and therefore, the term. This policy shows respect for our staff as individuals with lives outside of work. It’s nothing new, and many executives profess this policy. At Scribe, we live it—and that’s why you get notices in the Consultants-All Slack channel from Aliyah Reese, the consultant coordinator, informing you that we will be out of the office or have limited work schedules.

As a CEO, I could list all the reasons for taking time off—higher retention, less absenteeism, positive company culture, enhanced performance, blah, blah, blah. These are important. Don’t misinterpret this. But I believe it is essential for my staff and our consultants to put their own lives first; it improves mental and physical health and prevents burnout. We live in stressful times, and I’d rather folks not be overworked and overstrained. Instead, I’d prefer them to say to their coworkers (staff and consultants), “I need some time.”

I trust your competence. I trust that you know your job. Sometimes, however, I worry that you might not put self-care first. Perhaps you worry about inconveniencing us or that you won’t be eligible to return if you aren’t available or just need a break. Please remember, there is no retribution for rest. Taking time off is not a crime that requires punishment. Taking time off is expected, and it's okay. 


A Note on Scammers

We recently experienced scammers contacting our consultants via faux text messages from me. We are taking this seriously and looking into measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

I will repeat the precautionary message here if you didn’t see the notice in the Consultants-All Slack channel:

“We want to alert you to a concerning issue: some consultants have received suspicious requests, purportedly from the CEO (Jody), asking for the purchase of gift cards. Please be aware that these requests are fraudulent, and Jody would never make such demands. We want to assure you that we will never request personal financial transactions through text messages or email accounts that are not affiliated to our domain. If you ever receive such requests, please report them immediately to our team. Your vigilance is crucial in maintaining the security of our organization. Thank you for your attention and cooperation in keeping ScribeConcepts safe.”

Please review this link from Norton on how to stop spam texts. Thank you. 

Keep up the great work, all! This year will be another exceptional year for ScribeConcepts, and we couldn’t do it without you! 

Signature of CEO Jody Knowles


Call for Pitches

The ScribeConcepts blog offers industry insights, expert tips, and valuable information from our dedicated team. This team keeps up with the latest trends in publishing production, curriculum development, and project management, and we want to provide this information to our current clients, interested new clients, and others in the industry.

ScribeConcepts believes in showcasing the diverse talents and insights of our consultants. Your experience and knowledge are invaluable, and we want to share this information with our broader community through blog posts.

Starting September 1, ScribeConcepts will accept blog pitches from our consultant talent pool to be featured on ScribeSpeaks, our source for education industry insights. The compensation for approved and posted submissions is $100. 

For more information and detailed instructions, contact Aliyah through email or Slack. 

You can access the blog through LinkedIn or the website


Globe with surrounding text: Business Referral Program

Business Referral Program: You could earn $25, $50, or $500!

Refer & Earn:

Get Rewarded with ScribeConcepts’s New Business Referral Program

  • ScribeConcepts's New Business Referral Program rewards Consultants who help our organization connect with new Clients. These connections should be with someone representing an organization that can benefit from Scribe’s Project Management, Content, Design, Editorial, or Production services. The Client point of contact should be someone with whom the Consultant has a professional relationship.

  • Here’s how it works:

    • Complete the New Business Referral Form to inform us of your intention to begin the process. Complete a separate referral form for each potential Client.

    • Email your potential Client point of contact, and copy in ScribeConcepts’ Senior Director of Business Development Natalie Rebentisch []. The email should explain the purpose of the connection, introduce Natalie, and briefly describe ScribeConcepts' services specific to the Client.

  • Financial rewards will be distributed as follows:

    • Upon the Consultant connecting the Client and Scribe via email: $25

    • Upon the Client meeting with Scribe: $50

    • Upon the Client signing a contract for business with Scribe: $500


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