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Privacy Policy
This policy outlines practices for the ScribeConcepts.com web site. ScribeConecpts respects the privacy concerns of our Web site visitors. As a general policy, no personal information, such as full names, addresses, or telephone numbers is automatically collected from visitors to this site. Such information is only known to ScribeConecpts when it is voluntarily submitted or posted to us. Some of this information may be forwarded to other employees within the company for the purpose of response or customer service. This information is not saved or disclosed outside the company.
Certain non-personal information about our visitors is collected by the standard operation of ScribeConecpts’s Internet servers, such as, but not limited to, Internet browser types being used, operating systems, and the domain names of Internet providers. Uses of this information include internal review of the aggregate number of visits to our site, but only in a non-personally identifiable form. We may also use this information to make our site better and more responsive to the needs of our visitors. We do not disclose this information outside the company.
ScribeConecpts LLC reserves the right to modify, alter or otherwise update this policy at any time, so visitors are encouraged to review this policy from time to time.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please contact us by email at info@scribeconcepts.com, by phone at +1 434 409 6545, or write to us at:
ScribeConcepts LLC 1508 Maymont Court, Charlottesville, VA 22902